happy birthday!

Dearest Darlingest Matty,

Happy birthday to one of the greatest people I know. It's a little hard for me to come up with something to say here, to find words to "express how I feel about you" or whatever the term for it is, since I feel like I spend most of my days spilling my guts out to you, and I've never been shy about telling you how much you mean to me. You are the most authentic, loving, exhilarating person I know, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for being the harbor for all my secrets, for taking care of me, for exciting me, for challenging me. Thank you for never minding when I pour out oceans of words about the most random of subjects. I promise to never lord the fact that I am two months older than you are over you, except when absolutely necessary or when it would be hilarious. I also promise to always listen when you need someone to ground you or bring you back down to earth, and to be on the next flight to you when it takes more than a few words to get you there, as long as you promise to stick around. I don't ask for much, really, just your undivided attention because I'm fucking greedy.

I hope your birthday is fantastic, I hope Jenna lets you shave her head and I hope both Corey and AJ are just as dreamy now as they were 20 years ago. I can't wait to see you, I've got big plans for a night on the town just you and I and whoever we run into and make our best friends for the evening; you'll be pleased to learn that there will be both dancing and live music involved. Bring your hair and the jeans that make your butt look amazing. You know the one.

xx, Lizzie.

listen to this. (read it here.)

listen to this too.